gonna miss this little face for a week & also that little face. hehe.
question the sky. (that cloud looks like a question mark)
friday will be my last post for about a week. i'm going to ca for fun and frivolity. try not to miss me too much. squeak!
bunnies like to skateboard right? how about carrots?
z. wanted in on some modeling action.
me modeling a handcrafted mini ipod armband.
an apple charger protector.
a log of what i consumed on 6/3/10.
adventures in greenfield.
a found paper collage.
"trick worm's" first trip to the farm share. riding shot- gun.
all of a sudden the sky just opened up, while picking strawberries.
it rained and rained. and rained some more.
it did give me time to have a photoshoot in the barn. those are yummy scallions.
it let up finally.
a western mass. collage. the first one is my living room in williamstown. the next is the upside down trees at mass moca. lastly, there are hieroglyphics.
i made up a poem using random book titles found in the book mill. the bold italic words are the book titles. it took about 15 minutes & the end result was quite interesting. here it is:
our mothers provide a delicate balance between patriarchal precedentsand the rest of "us". naked by the windowin radical amazementplaying dollywith envy & gratitude allows us to write the heretic's notebook. a place at the table, leaning toward learning robots is not a wonderful life. richard's cork leg tied withyellow silk is teaching the new basic skills about parent training. drawing on the right side of the brain forms frames of reference and perhaps real fantasies inthe aftermath of 'flying' west. our daily bread favorites in the face of mercy is an executioner's current with little palaces for the people.
z makes a kitty friend through the door. hi butterscotch.
onward sargent sheep.
a sketch of virginia woolfe.
a collage.
i toast to no more snow for awhile.
in the jungle of noho, a lone tofu swings through to a less populated swimming hole. hopefully no real crocs. are involved.
going to be a hot one today, feeling the perspiration already.